My Story // How ElizabethAndPlans Came to Be
My Story
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord,
"plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future."
- Jeremiah 29:11
These words have been with me for as long as I can remember. From my journey from elementary school into high school and from college into my teaching career, I can honestly share that I have had my share of ups and downs. Years later, I am writing this now as a young woman believing and knowing that God’s plan is so much more than we could have imagined for our own lives.
A Closer Look at My Story & Testimony
Part of God’s plan is becoming alive. Becoming alive for him, our family and friends, our coworkers, our students, our community, and also, for ourselves. It took me a long time (and I am still learning) that being alive for ourselves is not just something that should be acceptable, but it means that we can and should allow ourselves to feel, to love, to believe, to pray. Being alive means that we are hopeful, we grieve, we feel lonely, we feel pain, and we feel joy. It is okay to feel all of these things. Even when unexpected events occur in our lives and it was not of our plan, the Lord has had something planned for us from the beginning, something that is beautiful, filled with joy and lessons, and it is given to us at the right moment from our all-knowing and loving God. It is okay to experience anger, to grieve, to feel lonely, to feel pain and to feel hope. Because that means we are alive and living. We are human. It reveals the pulse inside us is still beating, hearts are caring and filled with compassion, and faith in the Lord can only grow stronger. With that said, God does not want us to live a life filled with hatred and bitterness. This is where we can surrender ourselves to his plan - the calling he has gifted to us - and live trusting the words of Jeremiah 29:11.
His plan for us is to have moments in the dark valleys because that is where our strength, faith and hope can come to the surface the most; it’s when he lovingly leads us to the light and reminds us that he is indeed here among us. He sends angels down to walk among us, to watch us, to show us the miracles of life and beauty that are around everywhere. And right when we come to the edge of the cliff or the bottom of the mountain, God leads us out of the valleys and into the green pastures where light and hope are awaiting us - all part of his plan. Here we feel alive and joyful. He invites us to praise his holy name, not just for his glory, but for the plan he has had from the beginning of time. We learn to be kind and to stay humble, even when we are living in the greenest pastures and the bluest skies. That is our Lord’s plan for each and every one of us. To become alive and decide how we are going to use our fears and what makes us come alive to better ourselves and the world of which we are rightful members.
I do my best everyday to live my life for Christ, remaining rooted in my faith. I also love to plan ahead, know what the plan is ahead of time, and prepare lesson plans ahead of time for my students. Finding a balance between remaining faithful and taking control of the aspects in my life that I want to control has been a never ending journey - one that I know will continue to require much patience, trust, and humility. Elizabeth, my middle name, represents the part of myself that longs for Christ, while Plans represents the human part of me that makes mistakes, grows impatient, and is still learning - it also represents my love for planning and planners :). Both parts represent me as a person, a woman, a daughter, a future wife, a friend, a teacher, and so much more! These are the roles I hope to embody as much as I can. Yet, with God's grace and through much prayer, the roles I hope will make me feel most alive are the following - wife, mother, educator. Being a loving and supportive wife for my future husband, Brad, is my most recent calling and goal. When the time comes, being a mother is another dream of mine. Lastly, educating the hearts and minds of my students (rooted in Blessed Basil Moreau's philosophy) is a calling I am passionate about, and it is how I can contribute to the community around me. All in all, I trust God's plan, good or bad, and I look forward to a future where I can hopefully fulfill these callings and be fulfilled in a life centered in Christ.
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
- Howard Thurman
Morgan Elizabeth

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